Welcome to the MiNDS facility where we trick “glass” into thinking, moving, and trapping light. Otherwise known as semiconductor devices, MEMS devices and photonic devices. At least seven different courses utilize the MiNDS facilities. These courses are all for undergraduates (you can use the cleanroom as a freshman!).
Since its inception in 2002, the MiNDS program has grown both in size and in scope. Currently, multidisciplinary teams of faculty and students are involved in a wide variety of micro and nanoscale technology-related projects and coursework spanning the fields of material science, chemical detection, optics, power generation and bio-micro-electrical-mechanical systems.
About the lab
Research & Courses
A first-year NanoEngineering course is open to all majors in the spring. Two sophomore/junior level NanoEngineering courses use the cleanroom extensively for nanofabrication and self-assembly. Two MEMS courses and related projects are available to all undergraduate technical majors of junior class standing regardless of specific discipline, making the program one of the first efforts to bring micro technology to a general undergraduate audience. Two junior/senior-level semiconductor courses use the cleanroom to grow BJTs and FETs.
MINDS Lab Research
A number of research projects both within the areas of micro/nanoscale technology and pedagogy are ongoing at the MiNDS laboratory.